H i there! Have you ever struggled to decide between two opposing viewpoints, like the benefits and drawbacks of school uniforms, social media, or online learning, and felt uncertain about which side to support? That’s where discussion texts come in! The…
Setelah membagikan Soal Interaktif Persiapan OSN Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary: Paket 1A , kali ini Mister Guru akan memberikan soal kedua sebagai tambahan materi dan latihan dalam persiapan mengikuti olimpiade atau menghadapi Ujian Akhir Sekolah. Ke…
Mister Guru kali ini akan membagikan soal Bahasa Inggris interaktif tingkat Elementary yang cocok digunakan sebagai bahan latihan tambahan atau persiapan pra-olimpiade/OSN untuk siswa SD dan SMP. Yuk, uji kemampuan kalian! Pilihlah jawaban yang paling bena…
Reading Section I. Incomplete Dialogues Questions 1 to 17, choose the most appropriate answer. Operator: "Good morning. May I help you?" Man: "Good morning. May I speak with Mr. Jones, the Personnel Manager?" Operator: "I’m sorry,…
Hello, English Enthusiasts.😊 Kita bertemu lagi dalam artikel berisi kunci jawaban dan pembahasan untuk soal reading section Final Exam Simulation: English Reading Skills-Set 12 Jika antusias pembaca sangat besar terhadap pembahasan seperti ini, Mister …
Hi, English Enthusiasts! If you're looking for examples of Analytical Exposition texts to enhance your understanding or sharpen your writing skills, you're in the right place. In our previous article, Everything You Need to Know about Analytical Ex…
Descriptive texts help us describe things, people, or places so others can imagine them clearly. With this type of writing, we can paint a picture in the reader’s mind using words. In this lesson, we will learn what descriptive texts are, how they are struc…