Dari Adverb Clause ke Modifying Phrase Menggunakan Participle

Mister Guru (Prastowo Ismanto)

Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kalimat dan keindahan gaya bahasa, kita bisa menyingkat atau memperpendek adverb clause menjadi modifying phrase dengan menggunakan past participle (verb 3) atau present participle (verb -ing).

Cara Menyingkat Adverb Clause Menjadi Modifying Phrase

Untuk menyingkat adverb clause menjadi modifying phrase dengan menggunakan participle, perhatikan beberapa catatan di bawah ini:
  • Subyek dalam adverb clause (anak kalimat keterangan) harus sama dengan subyek dalam main clause (kalimat induk). Jika subyek dalam adverb clause tidak sama dengan subyek dalam main clause (kalimat induk), maka adverb clause tidak dapat diubah menjadi modifying phrase. (Lihat contoh-contoh kalimat di bawah untuk lebih jelasnya.)
  • Jika adverb clause berbentuk kalimat aktif (active voice), maka modifying phrase harus menggunakan present participle (verb -ing). Contoh:
    1. Because she felt upset, she didn't say a single word. (adverb clause)
      Feeling upset, she didn't say a single word. (modifying phrase)
    2. He locked the door before he left. (adverb clause)
      He locked the door before leaving. (modifying phrase)
  • Jika adverb clause berbentuk kalimat pasif (passive voice), maka modifying phrase harus menggunakan past participle (verb 3). Contoh:
    1. Because he was trained by a professional coach, he soon learnt much about difficult techniques. (adverb clause)
      Trained by a professional coach, he soon learnt much about difficult techniques. (modifying phrase)
    2. When the door is opened, it squeaks. (adverb clause)
      When opened, the door squeaks. (modifying phrase)
Adverb Clause ke Modifying Phrase Menggunakan Participle

Apa Saja Fungsi Modifying Phrase?

  1. Menyingkat time clause (klausa keterangan waktu). Time clause biasanya ditandai dengan adanya kata after, before, while, when, as, since. Di sini, modifying phrase memiliki makna “during the same time; while”. Contoh:
    • Since she moved to this country, she has made many friends.
      Since moving to this country, she has made many friends.
    • Before you do the test, read the instructions carefully.
      Before doing the test, read the instructions carefully.
    • While he was watching a film last night, he fell asleep.
      While watching a film last night, he fell asleep.
  2. Menyingkat adverb clause “cause and effect” (sebab akibat), umumnya ditandai dengan "because, since, as". Di sini, modifying phrase memiliki makna adanya “cause and effect relationship; because”. Contoh:
    • Because she needed money to support her children, she had to work.
      Needing money to support her children, she had to work.
    • Because I have visited the beach before, I don’t want to go again.
      Having visited the beach before, I don’t want to go again.
    • Because I had visited the beach before, I didn’t want to go again.
      Having visited the beach before, I didn’t want to go again.
    • Because Ninda could not see clearly from the back row, she moved to the front row.
      Not (being) able to see clearly from the back row, Ninda moved to the front row.

Latihan Soal

A. Garis bawahi semua modifying phrase dan pilihlah makna yang sesuai ("while" atau "because") seperti pada contoh nomer 1.
  1. Sitting on the white sand, she enjoyed the amazing beauty of the sunset at the beach. (while/because)
  2. Unable to afford a car, she bought a motorcycle. (while/because)
  3. While living here, she made many friends. (while/because)
  4. Not wanting to disappoint her, he decided to say nothing about it. (while/because)
  5. Standing in front of the house, I realized how much it had changed. (while/because)
  6. Pointing to the sentence on the board, the teacher explained the meaning of modifying phrases. (while/because)
B. Ubahlah adverb clause dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut menjadi modifying phrase.
  1. Before I came to class, I had a cup of tea.
  2. After she had completed her work, she submitted it to the teacher.
  3. Because he didn’t want to wake everybody up, he tried not to make much noise.
  4. Because he had run a red traffic light, he got a ticket and had to pay a fine.
  5. After I had read the explanation twice, I finally understood the theory.
  6. While I was reading the paper this morning, I saw an article on global warming.
  7. Because they were unable to send their children to school, they let them work at an early age.
  8. Before he became a teacher, he worked for a garment manufacturer and exporter in Surabaya.
  9. While I was sitting at the quiet beach, I felt united with the nature.
  10. Because she had never seen an active volcano before, she never stopped admiring the beauty of Bromo.
C. Gabunglah kedua kalimat di setiap nomer dengan menjadikan kalimat pertama sebagai modifying phrase.
  1. I did not want to be late again. I left very early this morning.
  2. She thought she would never learn to play the piano. She stopped taking lessons.
  3. The student checked his answers. He found he had made many mistakes.
  4. I wanted to finish the work in time. I had to work late last night.
  5. They were exhausted. They stopped to rest under a very shady tree.
  6. She had just recovered from her illness. She had to stay home during the weekend.
  7. The child played computer games too much. He got an eye irritation.
  8. Many housewives develop the habit of watching TV in the morning. They become less productive.
  9. The students did not understand the lesson. They asked the teacher to repeat the explanation.
  10. He wants to save some money every month. He has decided to cook his own meals.
  11. She could not tolerate the noise. She tapped her fingers loudly on the table.
  12. I was bored. I went out for a walk to the park last night.
  13. The snake felt threatened. It started hissing and spitting at the cat.
  14. The building was being renovated. It was closed for visitors.
  15. The little boy felt the unbearable pain. He never stopped crying.
BSE SMA Kelas XI 052011 0558 AM 17661

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