Perbedaan Agree on, Agree about, Agree with, Dan Agree to

Penggunaan Agree with, Agree on, Agree about, Dan Agree to

Masih berkaitan dengan materi "Asking And Giving Opinions", kali ini kita akan membahas makna sebuah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan untuk merespon atau memberi tanggapan terhadap suatu pendapat, yaitu "agree". "Agree" adalah kata kerja (verb) yang makna umumnya adalah "setuju", "sepakat", dan kadang meluas menjadi "cocok".

Akan tetapi, tahukah kalian bahwa kata "agree" bisa memiliki beragam makna, tergantung pada kata yang mengikutinya? Perbedaan makna tersebut bisa dilihat dari obyek atau jenis kata yang mengikutinya.

Selengkapnya, mari kita pelajari makna kata "agree" beserta contoh kalimat penggunaannya di bawah ini. Perhatikan bagian kalimat yang bergaris bawah.

  1. Agree on / about
    "Agree on / about" berarti sependapat atau memiliki pendapat yang sama tentang sesuatu.
    • All members of the committee agreed on/about the plan to merge the two sections.
    • They agree on the issue that the company should pay more attention to the ecosystem.
    • She agreed on some points of the debate.
    • The committee agreed on the results of the discussion.
    • They finally agreed about the establishment of a new regulation.
  2. Agree with
    "Agree with" berarti memiliki pendapat yang sama dengan orang lain, setuju terhadap sesuatu, atau suatu fakta sesuai dengan fakta lainnya.
    • She didn't agree with my opinion.
    • I agree with you that human rights must be respected by anyone.
    • The field evaluation showed that their statements didn't agree with the facts.
    • Basically, people agree with the approach that the government adopted.
    • We found out that the survey result agreed with the goverment's data.
  3. Agree to
    "Agree to" berarti menerima atau menyetujui suatu permintaan / persyaratan (demand, requirement, recommendation) atau memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan suatu tindakan (to do an action).
    • The bank agreed to provide funding for small and medium enterprises.
    • The committee agreed to implement a new approach to address the environmental issues.
    • The principal agreed to the recommendation given by the school committee.
    • She agreed to the auditor's demands.
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan "on", "about", "with", atau "to".
  1. They agreed ... his demands.
  2. She agreed ... see me after school.
  3. Some members didn't agree ... the manager's decision.
  4. The organisation has agreed ... the recommendations given by the local government.
  5. Parents mostly agree ... the school's plan to adopt the new system.
  6. In English, the subject of a sentence must agree ... the verbs.
  7. I'm sorry, spicy hot food never agrees ... my stomach.
  8. After the meeting, the board of directors agreed ... implement new marketing strategies.
  9. After the meeting, the board of directors agreed ... the implementation of new marketing strategies.
  10. We couldn't agree ... some points of the new regulation.

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