Making Small Talk - Video Material And Exercise

Mister Guru (Prastowo Ismanto)
Let's imagine you have just arrived at your office and are ready to start your shift. You meet your colleague of the previous shift whom you are going to replace. What would you say to be polite? Let's imagine again you are sitting in a waiting room, next to a stranger. How would you start conversation in order to break the uncomfortable and awkward silence?

Yes, you need small talk.

What is Small Talk?

To be short, small talk means "basa-basi" in Bahasa Indonesia. It is a social conversation about unimportant and uncontroversial matters, which helps manage interpersonal distance and define the relationships between friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances.

Making Small Talk - Video Material And Exercise

We make small talk when we want to avoid uncomfortable silence and talk to someone we have never met before, or a colleague in order to appear polite and friendly and create a positive interaction. Small talk serves many social functions, such as conversation opener, conversation closing, and silence filler.

Small Talk Topics?

Small talk topics should be universal, positive, and situational to enable the conversation to flow naturally. Common small talk topics may range from the weather, sports, entertainment, introduction, occupation, and common interests.

Small Talk Example Video

To help you with clearer and more practical understanding of small talk, watch the video below for a real-life demonstration of effective small talk! In this video, we walk you through a common scenario where small talk can make a big difference during casual encounters. You'll learn how to start a conversation, keep it going, and smoothly transition to other topics. After watching, don't forget to check out our interactive exercise linked in the post to put your new skills to the test!


Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer; A, B, C, or D.
  1. How did the man start the conversation?
  2. What did the woman think about the weather?
  3. What did the man say he wanted to buy?
  4. The man said, "My name is John, by the way."
    As shown in the conversation, the phrase "by the way" can be used to ....
  5. What did they say to greet each other in their introduction?
  6. What do we know about the woman's origin?
  7. What did she say about the weather in her area?
  8. What did the man say about the weather in his hometown?
  9. The man said, "I'm not used to these summer temperatures."
    What did he imply?
  10. What does the woman like to do in summer?
  11. What does the man usually do in his hometown during summer?
  12. Has the woman been to London before?
  13. What did the woman want to visit in London?
  14. According to the man, what do the people in his hometown mostly do at the weekend?
  15. Why did the woman relate to "baseball" in the conversation?
  16. In chronological order, the topic of the conversation can be defined as ....
  17. Based on the dialogue, which of the following statements is FALSE?
  18. What do you think the speakers are most probably doing?
  19. Which of the following topics is best to continue the conversation?
  20. Which of the following is NOT true about "small talk"?

Video source:
Small Talk | Making Small Talk | Everyday English, YouTube, uploaded by Learn English by Pocket Passport, Jul 6, 2020,

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